
武道教室・古武道道場:(社)楽心館 RakushinkanのWebサイトです


創立者 石川智広 経歴 Tomohiro ISHIKAWA Career

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石川 智広(イシカワ トモヒロ) 
合氣道家 1960年(昭和35年) 



中央大学法学部生であった1981年、マーストリヒト柔道世界選手権65kg級優勝の柏崎克彦(当時30歳)の試合を見て深く感銘を受けた。誰でもあるように、当時の石川は青春の生きる価値に苦悩した時代を過ごしていた。ドイツ人弓道家オイゲン・へリゲルによる弓聖 阿波研造を紹介した書籍「弓と禅」を読み、阿波の至った境地と指導法に魅力を感じていた。柔道をしていた経験と禅に触れた体験。それらがおぼろげに繋がったのが、先ほどの柏崎克彦の試合と人物の立派さであった。そして大学卒業時には、日本の伝統文化を武道で伝えることを、人生の中心に置く決心をした。

















氣と丹田の合氣道会楽心館 主宰
会津藩伝継小野派一刀流剣術 教授代理 (平岡祥淑 門下)
大東流合氣柔術山本角義派 教授代理 (平岡祥淑 門下)
無限神刀流居合術 教授代理 (平岡祥淑 門下)
浅山一傳流 指南 浅山理法流武術 (宮本隆正 門下)

Tomohiro ISHIKAWA Career

Tomohiro ISHIKAWA Career Aikido practitioner Born in 1960 in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, to parents from Shizuoka Prefecture. His first contact with martial arts was in junior high school, when he attended a judo class set up by the Seijo Police Department, which he continued as a hobby, rising to the rank of 3-dan.

In 1981, when he was a law student at Chuo University, he was deeply impressed by the match of Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki (then 30 years old), winner of the 65 kg category of the Maastricht Judo World Championships. Like anyone else, Ishikawa at the time was going through a period of struggling with the value of living in youth. He read the book 'Bow and Zen' by German archer Eugen Herrigel, which introduced the bow master Awa Kenzo, and was fascinated by the state of mind Awa had reached and his teaching methods. I was fascinated by Awa's background in judo and his experience of Zen. These were dimly connected by the aforementioned matches and the admirable character of Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. And when he graduated from university, he decided to make it a central part of his life to pass on traditional Japanese culture through martial arts.

I chose Aikido because it is not essentially a competitive martial art, and I felt that it had the potential to contribute to a different segment of the population than judo. His dream was to approach the state of Awa Kenzo. As there are many paths to the summit of the mountain, I thought that it would be good even if I did not follow Kyudo, so I chose Aikido.

In reality, however, he faced fierce opposition from those around him regarding his career path and had no choice but to change his mind, and from the age of 22 he spent three years in public service as a tax collector. At the time, this was a job he did not want, but in hindsight, it broadened the scope of his life later on. The Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent crisis in the management of the dojo during the next period were largely due to the experience gained from the unwanted work at the time.

From the age of 25 (1986) to 30 (1991), he was an uchideshi of Koichi Tohei Sensei (founder of Shin Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido) and was taught by Koichi Tohei Sensei and Koretoshi Maruyama Sensei (Aikido Yuishinkai).

From the age of 30, as an uchideshi graduate, he worked as a dojo master of Shin Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido. The name RAKUSHINKAN has been used since that time, and 5 May 1993 is the anniversary of the founding of RAKUSHINKAN.

He resigned from the Shin Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido at the age of 35 (1995).

温故知新(onkochishin)developing new ideas based on study of the past. When exploring Aikido, he came to the conclusion that knowing its roots and principles was the first thing to do, so he studied the techniques and ideas of the schools through the koryu.

He then studied at the International Jujutsu Federation, which was founded and chaired by Sato Kinbei Sensei (acting professor of the Yamamoto Kakuyoshi school of Daito-ryu and advocate of the Daito-ryu origin theory of Asayama Ichidenryu). In 1999, he left the federation on the passing of Sato Sensei. He then studied under Nagao Zenyuu in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, and also taught in the Daito-ryu Yamamoto Kakuyoshi-ha under his successor, representative Hiraoka Yasuhide.

He has practised Aikido, Daito-ryu Yamamoto Kakuyoshi-ha and Asayama Ichiden-ryu in search of "the truth that underlies swordsmanship, iai-jutsu, jujutsu and stick fighting", going back to the roots of aiki. This journey of exploration continues to this day.

When explaining Aikido at RAKUSHINKAN, he avoids the charisma and mystique of instructors and techniques. The basics are based on physics that even junior high school students can understand - pendulum motion, constant pulley motion and the principle of second leverage - and explain the median line, tanden force and Ki force.

Rakushinkan's 'Ki to Tanden no Aikido' is a natural body that concentrates advanced techniques and mental methods, such as Awa Kenzo's, to train the body and mind to be able to break down an opponent with an uneventful movement, like a gentle breeze, to acquire 'Fudo Fuso no Aiki'(AiKi of steadfastness and unyieldingness).

The martial arts-style natural body is a dual structure of rigidity and flexibility, like the Japanese sword, and traditional kata practice is emphasised. RAKUSHINKAN's practice is to progressively improve from shu (kata-style basic practice), ha (body-led practice of ken-tai-itchi) and ri(mind-led practice of ki-ken-tai-itchi), and to never practice any demonstration or match practice that contradicts these principles.

The training of Aiki-style techniques is based on the kata of kenjutsu and koryu jujutsu, and is therefore regarded as unconventional by existing Aikido enthusiasts, and we are aware that there is a certain segment of the population who do not understand it.

In May 2025, at the age of 64, he will hand over the position of Rakushinkan representative to Yasuyuki Taira.

Below is Ishikawa's martial arts career (only those that led to 3rd dan or above are listed).

Kodokan Judo 3rd dan

Mind Body Unification Aikido, 4th dan

President of Ki and Tanden no Aikido Kai Rakushinkan

Acting professor of the Aizu clan's Ono-ha Itto-ryu swordsmanship (under Hiraoka Yasuhide).

Acting professor of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Yamamoto Kakuyoshiha (under Hiraoka Yasuhide)

Professor of Mugen Shinto Ryu Iaijutsu (under Hiraoka Yasuhide)

Asayama Riho Ryu Bujutsu (under Takamasa Miyamoto)

Currently studying Asayama Ichiden-ryu, Ono-ha Itto-ryu swordsmanship Nakanishi-ha Gogyo no Kata and Jikishin Kage-ryu legal kata.



